Sunday, May 15, 2011

Quesnel Cariboo Observer - Rookie boxers set for first appearance

Quesnel Cariboo Observer - Rookie boxers set for first appearance

(back to the grass roots with the 2 Rivers Boxing club)

a break from the Olympic boxing and back to the basics of all Olympic boxers, the club show.
a must for boxers to gain experience and a select few along the way will make an Olympic Team.

A club show in the small town of Quesnel is a far stretch from the glitter that will be
at London in 2012. but the boxers of the 2 Rivers Boxing club are there to do their very best
in a local setting among family and friends. And the out-of-town competitors will be treated
just like members of 2 Rivers by the friendly crowd and 2 Rivers coach Wally Doern.

At the end of the day, it will always be the club show that will determine the
future of the sport of amateur boxing-the tournaments and International shows
are a must but the foundation of the sport is the good old club show where it
doesn't matter what the decision is but the experience gained from friendly competition.

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