Monday, March 19, 2012


My look at the '84 Summer Olympics: by brian zelley

The whole affair started at the box-offs in May 1984
and continued into the Training Camp in July in Burnaby, BC.
Then followed-up with the final results with Canada earning three
medals. Then came the story telling. In September 1984 prior to the
Boxing BC AGM I put together a special 16 page
1984 Summer Olympics issue.

Some issues were sent to some of the folks outside of BC such
as Jerry Shears and others that I had been communicating
withover the last couple of years.

The front page featured a photo of BC's own DALE WALTERS
with Dale landing a left hook on his opponent from Algeria
in his first bout.

Page 2 comprised a list of names of folks that had helped me between
September 1983 to September 1984 with information or ;articles or
just assisting in parts of the various BC AMATEUR BOXING NEWS"
Some of the non-BC folks that were named include:
Bob Carswell, Bob Edgett, Dr. J. Falletta, Ainslie Frame,
Dick MacLean, and Jerry Shears,
Page 2 also included a
news photo of Dale Walters in his bout with an opponent.
Also, the names of the then directors of Boxing BC which included:
Armson, Knopp, O'Reilly, Carney, Jones, Lowes, Zelley & Thompson.

Page 3 to Page 7 "At The Bell" editorial and an annual round-up
*Looked back at the year 1983/1984 with some highlights
including the Training Camp in July. Aside from the National and
International tournaments some special tournaments mentioned wre:
Buckskin Gloves held in Vernon March 1984,
the Vancouver Island Championships held in Parksville March '84
and the Salmon Belt Tournament held in Prince Rupert April '84.

Page 7 also included photos:

Page 8: covered various topics for the future including a piece on
Public Awareness, Acceptance Growth, Education and Safety
called P.A.G.E.S.. Also, congratulated boxers:
Joe martin, Willy Curry, Alan Brown, jamie Ballard and
Clint Dumais for being recipients of sports grants.

Also in a part called: wishes, hopes 7 DREAMS was a suggestion clled

back in post-September 1984, the idea of the Hall of Fame
was lost in the here and now and other planning issues so it
remained in the shadows for 26 long years until 2010.

Page 9: JABS, HOOKS 7 CROSSES featured:
"EFFECTIVE BOXING by Brian Zelley.

The piece touched on Effective Punching and the B.L.A.S.T Plan,
Footwork, and the Sagety left Jab etc. Page 10and 11 focused on
referees. page 12 included a iece called
"Jerry's Jabs" by Jerry Shears that repeated his story
about being on a plan and talking to Prime Minister John Turner
about boxing.
. then follwed some Olympic discussion
and on Page 15 there was a reca of BV Golden Gloves champions
from 1939 to 1950 from Kenny Lindsay in 1939 to Billy Stone in 1950
and 1951 Diamond Belt Champions which included
Mike and Pat McMurtry, Billy Pinkus, Dick Graddon,
Len Kupchak,Len Walters, Bob shires and Willie Ira.

The final page included a photo of coach Bert Lowes
and boxers Harold Mann and Don Gehring preparing for the
1956 Olympic Trials in Montreal.
The phot was by
Ken Oakes and appeared in "The Vancouver Sun", Sepetember 20, 1956.

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